Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hannah is 4 months!

Chewing on fingers, teethers and anything these days Hannah is working on some teeth. However, she is still a happy baby who will turn take with you using her babbles and raspberries. She is very ticklish and has the best belly laugh that is contagious! Such a sweet snugly girl and sleeping 7pm to 7am...gotta love that!!!


We had such a blessed day with Nana & Papa spending the night/day with us. Lunch with our good friends/neighbors then home for a day of cooking dinner. The day was spent eating, eating and eating more and in between opening some gifts and playing with the kids. Rachel was in "Princess lala land" all day as she kept changing into her new costumes and playing with her new princess toys. She loved her big girl electric toothbrush - what a hit! Hannah slept, ate, listened to Christmas music and was held/loved by family members. A very blessed day!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve & Baby Jesus

Hannah played baby Jesus at church for the children's program. There were two services and she only let out one little cry...great job...what a pro! The funny part was Rachel didn't even know that it was her sister and on the way home she told me she was sad because Mary didn't let her hold baby Jesus! She was also looking out the car window into the fields saying that she couldn't see them going to Bethlehem...oh, these cute little two year old minds!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, I called it...Hannah has found her thumb and is learning to comfort herself with it. Today was the first day I saw her use it and fall asleep sucking her thumb. I think it's so much cuter than a pacifier but I also know I can take the pacifier away...can't cut the thumb off, can I?! :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Breakfast with Santa!

Today we had breakfast with Santa. We enjoyed art projects, candy cane treats and getting dressed up with family and good friends!

Monday, December 08, 2008


The girls loved dressing up all pretty and seeing Santa today. Hannah (3 months) will do anything and easily smiles all the time now. Rachel (2 years) loved twirling in her dress and telling Santa she would like Cinderella.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving and Disneyland

Disneyland was magical and Rachel loved meeting all the princesses. Being there just made all her books, all the stories she loves and acts out come to life. Hannah of course slept through most of it. The highlight with Hannah was when we were on the Peter Pan ride the blacklight in the ride made her pink eye medicine glow! Her eyes looked very freaky!

San Diego was great, always nice to have time with family. Rachel had fun with Grandma at Scripps Aquarium and Hannah met & cuddled with family members for the first time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hannah is 3 months!

Filled with coos, gurggles and smiles our little "cuddle bunny" as I like to call her, is doing great. She is sleeping well and eating well - life is good. Hannah has good eye contact and loves to be held and snuggle. She laughs at her big sister and likes their time together.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grandpa Bush & Gramma Rose Visit!

The week before Thanksgiving Grandpa and Gramma Rose came to visit. Hannah got to meet her family for the first time and Rachel loved all the attention! Going to the park, reading books, playing in the play room and rocking Hannah to sleep were all activities that kept everyone busy. My Dad was so sweet and even completed my "honey-do" list that had been sitting around for awhile!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hannah's Dedication

Today we dedicated Hannah Rose to Jesus at Cornerstone Fellowship. Pastor Kenton led the dedication and Daddy read some scripture that was selected specifically for Hannah. We had lunch at our place afterwards with all of our good friends. What a very special and blessed day!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hannah is 2 months!

Sweet little Hannah and oh the sleepness nights, ugh! At two months she is smiling back at us and has started to find her voice (cooing and "talking" to us).

Rachel is busy with all the Disney princesses, I really can't keep up with who she is at any one given moment.

On Halloween we went to Cornerstone's "Candy Zone". Rachel was Sleeping Beauty and Hannah slept the whole time in her little pumpkin outfit. We had such fun jumping and sliding in all the jumpy houses. Didn't get much candy because Rachel just wanted to slide the whole time (fine with me, less to throw out in the morning!).